SPG Blocks For Migraine Treatment, Prevention and Elimination
The Sphenopalatine Ganglion is the largest parasympathetic ganglia of the head and is also known as the pterygopalatine ganglion or Meckels ganglion. The SPG Block turns off the sympathetic overload fight or flight response and lets the parasympathetic system dominate causing relaxation and sense of well being. Sphenopalatine Ganglion Blocks can also treat anxiety and depression. The SPG block can be done by intra-oral injection, extra-oral facial injection or via an intranasal route. The intranasal route can be done with devices like the Sphenocath or Tx360 but my preferred method is cotton tipped applicators that can be easily self administered by patients for about a dollar and can often offer almost immediate relief without drug side effects.
This testimonial is from a patient who suffered a motor vehicle accident that destroyed the quality of his life. The patient has had multiple treatments but in this video he describes using sphenopalatine ganglion blocks to treat his severe disabling pain. He actually demonstates placement of the appllicators which he calls "Lidocaine Sticks"
Patient Testimonials:
This patient is a physician who travels to Chicago for treatment of chronic pain related to jaw problems. He describes how treatment has been life changing.